Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A note- shift or move ?

Have you confuse about a change in d and s curves?. Here are a tips;
A.If demand changes and supply constant thus d curves shifts but s curves move. We say, change in demand and change in the quantity supplied.
B.If supply changes and demand constant thus s curves shifts but d curves move. We say, change in supply and change in the quantity demanded.

In case A, consumers' desire to buy changes but producer`s desire to sell not changes. Vise versa in case B.

Key to open the equilibrium door ; quantity supply, quantity demand, change in demand, change in supply, change in quantity supply, change in quantity demand, movements, shifts

Shifts in demand curve;
Shifts is about increase or decrease in demand curve.
Why ????
1. Income
2.Price of related goods
5.Number of buyers

Movement in demand curve
1. Price

Shifts in supply curve;
1. Input prices
4.Number of sellers

Movement in demand curve

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